
Business Income Generator
The B.I.G. Assessment™ to Determine Exactly Where
You Are Right Now So That You Can Determine
Exactly What You Need To Do To Improve

Fill out the Questionnaire below to get started.

First Name:

Last Name:


Click on the ONE answer in each question that MOST represents you and/or your business...


I don't have a brand or I'm not sure what a brand is.
I have a brand
My brand is proudly and consistently displayed on my business cards, marketing literature, website, ads, signs, etc. with identical fonts, color scheme and images.



I do basically what others in my industry do.
I do my best to stand out from the crowd using specific techniques (like recent business articles on my blog in the last month, at least several hundred visits a day on my website, regularly attending networking meetings and then doing the necessary follow-up, etc.)
I am highly visible in my industry (for example, by delivering speeches to others in the field, by having written a book on the subject, by appearing on radio and/or TV, etc.)



When I introduce myself (or when I am introduced),

I am sometimes unsure what to say.
The message varies, sometimes weak and sometimes strong.
The message is always brand-consistent and excellent every time.



I am not strong in networking and do very little.
I am OK in networking and do some networking formally every month.
I belong to at least one professional organization or association.
I have a very strong social media presence that is used exclusively for business and converts well to creating new prospects and clients for me.
I have a clear plan of networking face-to-face and I produce a strong stream of new prospects and clients with this effort.



I sometimes feel exhausted, overwhelmed, frustrated and unfulfilled, bogged down by deadlines, email and conflicting demands.
I have a clear boundary between work versus other activities like leisure, sports, family etc. and I find that balance wholesome and fulfilling.
I take considerable free time like weekends without business and at least several vacations a year of at least one to two weeks each (with no cell phone, email or work)



I have vague or unwritten goals.
I have written goals, but they are not up-to-date or I'm not sure where they are or I don't review them often.
I have an up-to-date set of clear written goals and I review my goals at least monthly and I score my progress against my goals monthly to ensure I am on target.



I am doing basically the same things as I did last year.
I have upgraded my skills in a measurable way (studying, taking courses, attending mastermind sessions, etc.)
I earn at least 25% of my income from products or services I did not offer last year.



I am basically a "lone wolf" getting things done mostly by myself with not much help from others.
I have a powerful team around me (staff, colleagues, joint venture partners, professionals, assistants, etc.)
I have a business coach guiding me.


Lead Generation

I have 1 to 3 Lead Generation sources (like referrals, walk-ins, passing traffic, handing out business cards, paid ads, etc.) already in place.
I have clear targets, feedback mechanisms and cost-benefit analyses so as to continually monitor the effectiveness of my Lead Generation efforts.
I have a program of adding new Lead Generation sources to my business so that my business is always expanding profitably.


Client Insistence

None or practically none of my clients insist on using me and would likely switch to another company to get my product or service if it became inconvenient in any way to use me.
Some of my clients insist on using me and I have had them as clients for a long time.
Practically all my clients insist on using me and would likely not switch even it became a little inconvenient for them to use me.